A Golden-Wave of Yellow

5/19/2007 Lone Grove, Llano County, Texas

A golden-wave of yellow could be coming to a field near you!

With a cast of thousands that field near you will be transformed before your very eyes into a shimmering sheet of gold. Well, I hope we will see that this season. Golden-wave, (coreopsis basalis or coreopsis tinctoria) sometimes will cover large areas and fields in late May into mid-June. The name, Coreopsis is said to be from Greek, Koris(bedbug) and opsis(having the appearance of) which apparently refers to the shape of the seeds resembling a common bedbug. Oddly enough according to Legends & Lore of Texas Wildflowers by Elizabeth Silverthorne - "The early pioneers would stuff their bedding with the plant to help repel fleas, bedbugs, and lice." - https://books.google.com/books/about/Legends_Lore_of_Texas_Wildflowers.html?id=GvLWAAAAMAAJ 

Some of the best routes where I personally have found really solid coverage include:

  • Cherokee to Bend along RR-501, San Saba County
  • Lone Grove - CR-216 and RR-2241, Llano County
  • Lone Grove - CR-202 south of RR-2241 to Texas 29
  • Valley Springs area, Mason County
  • Pontotoc area, Mason County
  • Art-Hedwigs Hill RD, Mason County
Other Photos

CR-216, Lone Grove, Texas - https://www.pbase.com/richo/image/143676430

Mason County - https://www.pbase.com/richo/image/125069562

Hickory Grove RD, Mason County, Texas - https://www.pbase.com/richo/image/125069564

Art-Hedwigs Hill RD, Mason County - https://www.pbase.com/richo/image/125092432

Inks Lake - https://www.pbase.com/richo/image/60387283